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Installation Guide

This page contains instructions for building Tramonto 4.0. Click the following links for archived build instructions: Tramonto v3.x. Click on a link below for printer-friendly Tramonto installation guides:

  • Tramonto v4.0
  • Tramonto v3.x

    # Tramonto: A molecular theory code for structured and uniform fluids # Copyright (2006) Sandia Corporation # # Under terms of Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000, there is a non-exclusive # license for use of this work by or on behalf of the U.S. Government. # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA # 02110-1301, USA.

                         How to Build Tramonto 4.0


      When accessing these instructions from the website, it is a good idea
      to verify that you have the version of the instructions that corresponds
      to your version of Tramonto.  The correct version of the instructions can
      always be found in the README file in the top level directory of a Tramonto
      tarball, or a checked out copy of the Tramonto source code repository.

    Contents: Prerequisites Building Trilinos Building Tramonto Building Trilinos and Tramonto on Windows Using Visual Studio


      Tramonto depends on a number of other software packages.  Below is a
      list of the required packages and links from which you can download
      any packages that are not available on your system.  There is a good
      chance that BLAS, LAPACK and an MPI implementation are already installed
      on your system.  It is especially important to have a BLAS library that
      is optimized for your machine.  
          Package                       Web Reference
          Trilinos (10.12.2)
      While BLAS, LAPACK and MPI could be available on your system, you will
      most likely have to build Trilinos yourself.  Trilinos contains several
      packages of which Tramonto requires amesos, aztecoo, triutils, ifpack,
      epetraext, epetra, loca, ml, nox, and teuchos.
      Trilinos has a webpage for new users available at
      Below you will find a brief set of instructions that focus on building
      Trilinos for use with Tramonto.  If these instructions prove insufficient,
      please visit the website listed above.

    Building Trilinos:

      As of April 2010, Tramonto requires Trilinos version 10.2.0 or later.
      Trilinos can be downloaded from the the Trilinos home page listed above.
      There are many options available in configuring Trilinos, some of the
      most important one are:
          This option specifies where to install Trilinos.  For example,
          CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=/path/TrilinosInstall will install Trilinos
          libraries in /path/TrilinosInstall/lib and Trilinos header files in
          This option indicates that a parallel, rather than serial,
          version of Trilinos should be built.
          Use this option to specify the base installation directory for MPI.
          In many cases when using a standard setup, this is not necessary,
          but the option is useful when a machine contains multiple mpi
          installations, or mpi is installed in a non-standard location.  If
          /path is the base installation directory, /path/include contains mpi.h,
          /path/lib includes the mpi libraries, and /path/bin contains mpiexec
          (or equivalent mpi executable).
          These options are used to specify the names or locations of the BLAS
          and LAPACK libraries.  If the options are not specified, Trilinos
          will attempt to find BLAS and LAPACK.  Again, it is best to
          explicitly list the libraries you want to use if there are
          multiple libraries available on your machine.  Example usage:
          TPL_BLAS_LIBRARIES:STRING="-lcblas;-lf77blas;-latlas;-lgfortran" or
          TPL_BLAS_LIBRARIES:STRING=/usr/lib64/ and
          The best way to build only the packages that Tramonto uses is to use
          the Trilinos_ENABLE_ALL_PACKAGES:BOOL=OFF option in conjunction with
          a Trilinos_ENABLE_<package>:BOOL=ON option for each required
          Trilinos package.  For example Trilinos_ENABLE_AztecOO:BOOL=ON, etc.
          Note that it is not necessary to disable all of the packages that
          Tramonto does not use; this is especially useful when building Tramonto
          on a machine that has a pre-installed version of Trilinos.  It can be
          helpful to disable unneeded packages to make it easier and faster to
          build Trilinos.
      Below are examples of ways to properly configure Trilinos.  You can find
      more examples in the "sampleScripts" directory in the Trilinos
      distribution.  The configure command points up one directory because the
      preferred directory structure for building Trilinos has separate build and
      source trees.  For example, for a build tree named "TramontoInstall",
      from the top-level Trilinos directory, type "mkdir TramontoInstall",
      then "cd TramontoInstall", and finally provide the proper configure
      arguments.  Some users prefer for the build tree to be a peer to the
      top-level Trilinos directory.  The source tree can be in any arbitrary
      location; the last argument in the configuration command simply has to
      point to the source tree with an absolute or relative path.  Often it is
      convenient to create a script (like those in the sampleScripts directory
      mentioned above) in the build directory and then simply source the script.
      If a separate build tree is not used, the configure process will terminate
      with an error.
       cmake \
       -DTrilinos_ENABLE_Amesos:BOOL=ON \
       -DTrilinos_ENABLE_AztecOO:BOOL=ON \
       -DTrilinos_ENABLE_Triutils:BOOL=ON \
       -DTrilinos_ENABLE_Ifpack:BOOL=ON \
       -DTrilinos_ENABLE_EpetraExt:BOOL=ON \
       -DTrilinos_ENABLE_Epetra:BOOL=ON \
       -DTrilinos_ENABLE_ML:BOOL=ON \
       -DTrilinos_ENABLE_NOX:BOOL=ON \
       -DTrilinos_ENABLE_Teuchos:BOOL=ON \
       -DTrilinos_ENABLE_TESTS:BOOL=ON \
       -DCMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS:STRING="-O5" \
       -DTPL_BLAS_LIBRARIES:STRING="-lcblas;-lf77blas;-latlas;-lgfortran" \
       -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=/home/jmwille/TramontoTestHarness/Tri10.2 \
      Mac OSX
       cmake \
       -DTrilinos_ENABLE_Amesos:BOOL=ON \
       -DTrilinos_ENABLE_AztecOO:BOOL=ON \
       -DTrilinos_ENABLE_Triutils:BOOL=ON \
       -DTrilinos_ENABLE_Ifpack:BOOL=ON \
       -DTrilinos_ENABLE_EpetraExt:BOOL=ON \
       -DTrilinos_ENABLE_Epetra:BOOL=ON \
       -DTrilinos_ENABLE_ML:BOOL=ON \
       -DTrilinos_ENABLE_NOX:BOOL=ON \
       -DTrilinos_ENABLE_Teuchos:BOOL=ON \
       -DTrilinos_ENABLE_TESTS:BOOL=ON \
       -DCMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS:STRING="-O5" \
       -DMPI_BASE_DIR:PATH=/Users/jmwille/install \
       -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=/Users/jmwille/TramontoTestHarness/Tri10.2 \
      Once you have configured Trilinos, build it by typing "make".  
      This will build the libraries, tests (if Trilinos_ENABLE_TESTS:BOOL=ON),
      and examples for the packages that were enabled at configure time.  If
      the tests were compiled, a test suite can be run by typing "ctest".
      Finally, install Trilinos using "make install".

    Building Tramonto:

      Once Trilinos has been built, building Tramonto tends to be
      straightforward because most of the options that were used to build
      Trilinos can be used automatically to build Tramonto.  As with Trilinos,
      it is necessary to configure and then build Tramonto.  Since
      Tramonto produces only a single executable, there is no need to
      install it and at this time there is not a make target for testing.
      To configure Tramonto, it is necessary to indicate the location of the
      installed Trilinos libraries and header files.  This can be done using the
      TRILINOS_PATH option.  This option points to the base of the installed
      version of Trilinos.  For example, if Trilinos is configured with
      CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=/Users/jmwille/TramontoTestHarness/Tri10.2, use
      Beginning with Trilinos 10.7, it is also possible to use the standard
      CMake option CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH:
      Below are Tramonto configure invocations that correspond to the
      above Trilinos configure invocations.  These, as well as other,
      scripts can be found in the directory "sampleConfigs" in the Tramonto
      distribution.  Note that using a separate build tree is again
      required, as discussed in the Building Trilinos section.
       cmake \
       -DTRILINOS_PATH=/home/jmwille/TramontoTestHarness/Tri10.2 \
      Mac OS X
       cmake \
       -DTRILINOS_PATH=/Users/jmwille/TramontoTestHarness/Tri10.2 \
      Once the configure script completes, you can type "make" to
      build Tramonto. After make finishes, the Tramonto  binary, "dft_exec"
      can optionally be copied to a more convenient location.

    Building Trilinos and Tramonto on Windows Using Visual Studio

      Beginning with Tramonto 4.0, it is possible to build Tramonto on Windows
      using Microsoft Visual Studio.  The below instructions assume some
      familiarity with Visual Studio.  The Windows build process is not as
      polished as the process for Linux or Mac.  Feedback for building on
      Windows, including improvements or additions for the information below
      can be sent to
      1\.  Install CMake, CLAPACK (or other BLAS & LAPACK implementations), and
          MPICH2 (or another MPI implementation)
          Download the latest 32-bit Windows installer (even if using a 64-bit
          machine.  Follow the instructions for the self-extracting installer.
          Download the latest Visual Studio prebuilt zip file.  Extract the
          contents of the zip file and note the directory where CLAPACK was
          extracted.  Alternatively, use the CMake-aware version and build
          (and optionally install) CLAPACK through visual studio.
          Download the latest Windows installer from the above website.  Follow
          the instructions for the self-extracting installer.
      2\.  Build Trilinos
          Open the CMake GUI, select Trilinos source and build trees.  Configure
          Set the following variables (Note that safety and clarity were the
          primary considerations for these instructions, not efficiency):
          TPL_ENABLE_MPI -> ON
          Trilinos_ENABLE_ALL_PACKAGES -> Leave box unchecked
          Trilinos_ENABLE_ALL_OPTIONAL_PACKAGES -> Uncheck box
          Trilinos_ENABLE_Amesos -> ON
          Trilinos_ENABLE_AztecOO -> ON
          Trilinos_ENABLE_Triutils -> ON
          Trilinos_ENABLE_Ifpack -> ON
          Trilinos_ENABLE_EpetraExt -> ON
          Trilinos_ENABLE_Epetra -> ON
          Trilinos_ENABLE_ML -> ON
          Trilinos_ENABLE_NOX -> ON
          Trilinos_ENABLE_Teuchos -> ON
          TPL_ENABLE_BLAS -> ON
          CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX -> Set to Trilinos installation path
          Configure again, switch to "Advanced View"
          MPI_BASE_DIR -> Set to top level of MPI installation
              (ex C:/Program Files/MPICH2)
          TPL_BLAS_LIBRARIES -> Set to find BLAS
              (ex (this is all one line) - C:/Program Files/CLAPACK 3.2.1/lib/
               blas.lib;C:/Program Files/CLAPACK 3.2.1/lib/libf2c.lib )
          configure again
          TPL_LAPACK_LIBRARIES -> Set to find LAPACK
              (ex C:/Program Files/CLAPACK 3.2.1/lib/lapack.lib )
          configure again
          configure again
          Open the 'Trilinos.snl' file created during the generation process
          from the 'File' menu in Visual Studio.  Right click on Solution
          'Trilinos' and click 'Build Solution'.
      3\.  Build Tramonto
          Next, open the CMake GUI again.  Select Tramonto source and build trees.
          Configure once.
          Trilinos_DIR -> delete the pre-filled value (if applicable)
          TRILINOS_PATH -> Set to the same value used for CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX
          for Trilinos.
          configure again
          Open the 'Tramonto.snl' file created during the generation process from
          the 'File' menu in Visual Studio.  Right click on Solution 'Tramonto'
          and click 'Build Solution'.
      Notes for Windows build:
          - These instructions were created using Microsoft Visual Studio 2008.
          - Depending on the version of Trilinos used, the ML build may fail with
            an error indicating that 'unistd.h' cannot be found.  Remove the
            reference to this file from 'ml_utils.h' and build again.
          - If the Tramonto build fails with an error indicating that LAPACK or
            BLAS cannot be found, do the following inside Visual Studio:
              Right-click the dft_exec target -> properties
              Under the C/C++ tab, add to the additional include directories the
              proper directories for the lapack and blas header files.
              Under the Linker tab, add to the additional library directories the
              proper directories for the lapack and blas library files.
              Under Linker->Input, add lapack.lib, blas.lib, and (if using
              clapack) libf2c.lib to the additional dependencies list.

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